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Eng Aner Siicht op d’Natur

Another view on Nature

Another View on Nature is an interactive art trail that extends across 29km of forest areas in Luxembourg. Using playfulness as a medium, it directs people’s focus away from their usual field of vision while they walk in the forest, to shift their way of relating to the environment.


Launched in 2020, Antropical worked in collaboration with Mirador – Centre for nature and forests, in contributing to Doheem Vakanz (Holiday at Home), a state program initiated in response to the current pandemic.  


This project came from Antropical’s drive to cultivate a playful and interactive approach to art, erasing borders between creation, production and everyday life, with the intention of finding sustainable ways to foster culture. Inspired by Mirador’s leading moto ‘another perspective on nature’, Antropical artists have developed several original installations which enable people to encounter nature from a different angle, outside of the confines of an institution.

Participating artists: Margot Van der Sande (NL), Reem Dada (SY), Benjamin Georges Coles (UK), Cas Banierink, Nika Schmitt (NL), Tanja Bladt-Cohen (UK/DK), Lucia Fiorani & Daniele Valentino (IT), Valentine Emilia Bossert (CH), Roos Nieboer (NL), Amelia Daiz (UK), Giulio Dal Lago (IT), Kasia Lewinska (PL), Maïna Joner (FR/NO), Alexandra Fraser (UK).


In case of issues viewing the location, visit our website on Chrome or follow this link.

Les Chuchotants

Immersive Audio project

Have you ever wondered if trees think? If the buzzing of wasps has a meaning? Why are weeds invasive? Keep your ears open while Les Chuchotants tell you stories from the forest.

Les Chuchotants is a collection of audio works by Giulio Dal Lago, Maïna Joner, Kasia Lewinska and Margot van der Sande,  scattered along the itinerary of Eng Aner Siicht Op d'Natur. Go to this link to launch them automatically. New ones are added regularly, so come back to hear new stories! 

What do I need? 
Your headphones and a smartphone or tablet with enabled GPS-tracking.

How does it work?
Enable the GPS-tracking function on your device and go to the interactive map to find out where the different audio works are located. When you arrive in the area of an audio work (symbolised by a circle on the map), it will launch automatically.
If you don't have access to the network via mobile data, make sure to open the link before leaving your home or Wi-Fi zone and to save Les Chuchotants on your device by clicking on download.
If you need help, visit the Dobausseministär!


T’es-tu déjà imaginé à quoi rêve la forêt endormie ? As-tu déjà senti l’odeur de son sous-bois qui murmure et écouté les souvenirs de ses arbres ? Écoute… des mélodies d’amour sont portées par le vent au travers des feuilles où demeurent les habitants de la forêt, des chuchotements sont masqués par le craquement des branches, et au plus profond des bois, la voix de la forêt somnole en attendant la présence d’un.e pour être entendue.

Les Chuchotants est une collection d’installations sonores immersives par Giulio Dal Lago, Maïna Joner, Kasia Lewinska and Margot van der Sande disséminées le long de l’itinéraire d’Un autre regard sur la nature. Suivez ce lien ou scannez le code QR pour lancer la lecture automatiquement sur votre smartphone.

De quoi ai-je besoin ? 

D’écouteurs et d’un smartphone ou d’une tablette avec le service de localisation (GPS) activé. 


Comment ça marche ?

Activez le service de localisation (GPS) de votre appareil, puis rendez-vous sur la carte interactive pour voir où se trouvent les différentes œuvres audio. Lorsque vous arrivez dans la zone d’une œuvre audio (symbolisée par un cercle sur la carte), la lecture se lance automatiquement.

Si vous n’avez pas accès au réseau via les données mobiles (4G), ouvrez simplement le lien avant de quitter votre domicile ou votre zone Wi-Fi et enregistrez Les Chuchotants sur votre appareil en cliquant sur télécharger.

Si vous avez besoin d’aide, rendez-vous au Dobausseministär ou la réception de Mirador !

Featured artworks


Creature’s Footprints by Tanja Bladt-Cohen


Have you ever seen footprints in the woods and wondered what animal made them? Did you ever imagine creatures living under moss covered stones, behind huge oak trees or under old stone bridges?

The project Creature’s footprints draws the visitor into an imagined world, discovering creatures in the forest, and leaving their own marks behind. By sliding on these footprints, and making tracks on the forest floor, participants blur the line between fiction and reality. It allows visitors to step into their imaginations and perhaps encourages them to take a closer look at the world around them in the future.

Le Grand Murmure by Alexandra Fraser


Deep in the forest we listen with Le Grand Murmure, a sculpture located somewhere between nature and humanity. The ears are inspired by the very human analogue amplifiers, which were created to hear the sounds of World War I. This human invention is integrated into nature and allows us to hear what the trees have always heard, the echoes of the forest. Trees have always had their own complex means of communication and now humans are invited to participate.

The tree stands in the midst of its fellow trees. It has no sign to honour it, no instructions for its use. It is made to be discovered as part of the nature trail but also by chance.

Animal Crossing by Reem Dada


Have you ever looked at the world through the eyes of the little critters that we share the world with? Not only humans commute over highways, animals also have their paths and sometimes these paths cross one another, occasionally putting them in danger.
Little signs are made for our little cohabitants, helping us humans adopt the viewpoint of a small hedgehog crossing the road, as a reminder for awareness in this space that we share. So look around next time you’re walking along a path you might not be the only one walking, crawling, or scurrying along.

Lapis Devorandum by Cas Banierink

During the Antropical residency of 2016, Cas Banierink decided to make a work based on local tales of a mythical animal living in the Steinfort woods. A rarely seen beast called Lapis Devorandum, that feeds on local sandstone. For this project, ‘A different view on nature’, the artist created a sign, placed somewhere in the forest, to make more people aware of it’s existence, habitat and behavioral traits. This way visitors are encouraged to look for any traces Lapis Devorandum might have left behind and entice them to literally view nature in a different, more inquisitive way.

Maps to Nowhere by Amelia Daiz

Here you will find a natural gallery space, made of a circle of white tree plinths. You will also find a rotating sign with four maps on it and some strange instructions. These are the Maps to Nowhere. If you follow these maps, whichever way they take you, you will be sure to find some treasure where ‘X’ marks the spot. Maybe it is something you can pick up and hold, maybe it is something like a thought or a sound, they are all treasure. You can bring your treasures back to the gallery space and display them. Curate and title the exhibition of your adventure for other people to enjoy and add to.

Flux by Nika Schmitt

The kinetic installation “Flux” is a subtle intervention that reflects the changing stream dynamics of the river “Eisch” through movement and analogue sounds.  The row of bells attached to the railing of the bridge ring accordingly to the attached fishing bites moving in the stream.  Unpredictable rhythmic patterns arise that become audible on top of the bridge. 

The varying compositions of “Flux” introduce an alternative perception on nature’s movement dynamics; such as the water stream of the river “Eisch”.

A life and a living by Roos Nieboer

In the imaginary theatre participants create a play together by reading a script out loud. The play in which they are both makers and audience is called ‘A life and a living’ and the leading role is reserved for all different kinds of forest elements. The forest gets a voice through the recited text. 

The most important part of the play, however, happens in our imagination. With that fantasy the characters will come to live. And while listening to their gossip, chances are that we find ourselves empathizing with those beings, who might not be that different from us after all. 

by Benjamin Georges Coles

Imagine a path in a forest that was a true representation of the path you must take in your life.

Glimpses by Lucia Fiorani and Daniele Valentino
in collaboration with Lars Fischbach and Thomas Goncalves


Thank you to our generous sponsors

Immersive audio project

Antropical - Ministry of Strange Affairs asbl

10A, rue Jean-François Boch, L-1244 Luxembourg


IBAN: LU82 0109 7800 0113 0982


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