Members of the Antropical collective spent two weeks at Sementerie Artistiche, Crevalcore, a space for artistic and theatrical research.
In a time of division and distance Antropical participants used this residency to address central questions related to themes of power structures, community/inclusion and value systems. The aim was using collaborative art practices, to research into non-institutional forms of knowledge, spontaneous actions and workshops through the exploration of their surroundings. As some of the members were involved online, the works created during the residency led to discussions around territories, communication, heritage, sharing, commonalities - all through transdisciplinary practices.
This second chapter of Chrysalis Residency was concluded with two process-driven exhibitions: at CA/OS Gallery in Modena, Italy, and at Sementerie Artistiche, Crevalcore.

Participating artists: Lucia Fiorani (IT), Tanja Bladt-Cohen (UK/DK), Benjamin George Coles (UK/LU), Clio Van Aerde (LU), Aurélie d’Incau (LU), Valentine Emilie Bossert (CH), Margot van der Sande (NL), Maina Joner (FR/NO), Sophie Prinssen (FR/NL), Amelia Daiz (UK), Marieke Sytema (NL), Emiel Wendel (NL), Daniele Valentino (IT), Reem Dada (UK).